VISIONS IV presents the project BLACKOUT

The biennial exhibition of student photographers from the Atelier du regard du Lycée-collège des Creusets come back from May 12 to June 4 at the Maison du diable, Cultural Space of the Fellini Foundation in Sion.

For this project, fifteen students will produce a series of digital and film photographs as well as a photo novel and a soundtrack inspired by the freely chosen theme of "blackout". These images will feature characters facing the danger of energy shortage, vandalism and anarchy. Blackout will thus depict, in an original scenographic form, the fears and preoccupations of the young generations in the face of energy and climate challenges.


The «Atelier du regard»


The aim of the Atelier du regard is to train the students of the Lycée-Collège des Creusets (LCC) in the fields of photography and cinema, and more broadly in the reading of the image. This basic course offers them a theoretical and practical approach to these fields from a cultural, aesthetic and technical perspective. It is not only the synthesis of twenty years of activities initiated and conducted by the Lycée-Collège des Creusets and the Fellini Foundation in the fields of image and cinema, including creation, but it also proposes a new and innovative approach to reflection on the image in cinema and more broadly in the media, including photography. This course benefits from the scientific support, experience and skills of the Fellini Foundation's many international cultural partners.


The Atelier du Regard was initiated by Stéphane Marti, president of the Fellini Foundation, who managed this theoretical and practical course in photography until 2021, when he left his place to Emmanuelle Fiorina. Nicolas Brun, vice-president of the foundation, specialist in cinema and employee of the Médiathèque-Valais in Martigny, is in charge of the cinema courses.


Practical information: from 12 May to 4 June 2023
An exhibition produced and realized by the Fellini Foundation in partnership with the Lycée-collège des Creusets.