The cultural space of the Fellini Foundation, the Devil's House in Sion, has presented a wide range of exhibitions related to visual and cinematographic culture since its opening. Oscillating between photography and cinema movements, receiving in 2018 David Lynch's tribute to Fellini in the form of a series of lithographs and in 2019, a selection of works by one of the greatest American photographers, Steve Schapiro, our cultural centre does not forget the essential work of any institution of this type: the education and training of tomorrow's "public".
The Visions project was thus initiated by the Fellini Foundation in 2017 in partnership with the Lycée-collège des Creusets, the HES-SO Valais and RADOS, a reception structure for young migrants in Sion. This workshop, which will be renewed in 2019, is an extension of the Atelier du Regard, which has been run for more than 10 years by Stéphane Marti, President of the Fellini Foundation, and of the Option Cinéma, which is run by Nicolas Brun, Vice President of the Foundation.
By pursuing this innovative project, we obviously wish to transmit to the younger generations skills such as traditional photography or short film making.
In return, these projects with students allow us, as administrators of cultural activities, to keep this essential link with young people and to grasp their vision of the world and their expectations in terms of culture and society.