What’s animation ? Art panorama from the pre-cinematic to the movie "My Life as a Zucchini"!
From the visual games of the 19th century to the first home-made animations of Emile Reynaud, Winsor McCay or Emile Cohl, to the golden age of “industrial” animated drawings (Cartoon and Disney), the exhibition investigates the history of graphic representation in a movement which was born before cinema itself. Thanks to its endless formal and referential plasticity, animation which borrows from the science of movement and the art of drawing, painting and sculpture (models) or the graphic arts, never ceases to invent new and original universes which can fill small and big children with wonder!
Edition 2017, 30 pages.
ISBN 978-2-9700995-8-1
Price: 20.-
Order to: info@fondation-fellini.ch